017 - S2E4 "Who Am I?" with Robb Zeiser

Mr. Robb and Ms. David

Mr. Robb and Ms. David

Extras found exclusively at facethefactspod.com!

Robb’s appearance on The Tonight Show!

Robb’s alter-ego on the streets of Hollywood Studios: Ben Appetit (photo by Jamie-Lyn Markos)


The Amazing Silent Comedy of “Mr. Robb" :

Robb loves when I do my impression of Peter Griffin sing-saying “Guil-tyyyyyyy!” If you’ve never seen it, here is a 10-minute extended version. (And if you’re so inclined, there is also a 10-hour super cut on YouTube.)

The video below ends before the punchline of the scene (Mr. Grant busts out laughing and thanks Mary for the “joke” because he really needed a laugh) but here is a homemade clip of the only time (I believe) Mary Tyler Moore sang on her eponymous show:

Click the photo below to watch the AWESOME documentary about Rose Marie (free to Amazon Prime Video subscribers):

=> UPDATE: It isn’t free anymore, it costs money now. Try here <=

If you are not familiar with the Punchy Players on YouTube, PLEASE watch some of their videos. (Sadly it’s been 4 years since they’ve posted anything new. Waaaah) The vocal impressions that "Jeff” does are spot-on, including his Mrs. Garrett found here around 1:05.

And checking up on Glenn Scarpelli… He just had a movie come out on Amazon Prime last September. It’s called Sacred Journeys, and he stars in it with Mackenzie Phillips, his former co-star on “One Day At A Time!” Click here to read an interview and watch the trailer. Click the photo below to go directly to the movie (free to Amazon Prime subscribers). WHO KNEW?!