Extras exclusively at FaceTheFactsPod.Com!
I looked up how to spell “peignoir.” (Pronounced ‘pay-NWAH.’) According to Wikipedia, it is “a long outer garment for women which is frequently sheer and made of chiffon or another translucent fabric.” The More You Know... *star whoosh* Here’s a super sexy fancy one I found on the interwebs:
Apparently, Sak’s, the department store, is still a thing in NYC and across the country. Sadly, there isn’t a store located anywhere in Central Florida. The closest one to Orlando is about 100 miles away in Sarasota, Florida. 🙁
And guess what!? The lowest Pay Grade in the U.S. Navy for 1981 was… $501.30!! They actually got that right! (Source: Navy Cyber Space)
And OMG Nancy McKeon JUST made a post on Instagram about this very episode on March 7th!