022 - S2E9 "Gossip" with James Bondy

Bondy. James Bondy.

Bondy. James Bondy.

Extras Available Only At FaceTheFactsPod.com!

Speaking of significant height differences… ( ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ )
James wondered about Howard’s height, as he towers over Mrs. Garrett. Actor Hugh Gillin, who played Howard the chef, was 6’ 6” tall, according to his IMdB page

howard is tall.png

David hasn’t “been friends with” Holden Hollywood since 2013. But Holden’s suit has been inherited by other “friends” … including James Bondy’s current “friend” Ace Victory.


In case there is any question about Kenneth Mars having a toupee, this is him in the show (with his telephone shoulder rest), and a pic of him in his later years (he passed away in 2011). This shows the farthest extent to which he lost his hair. He was definitely not bald in his younger years.

Shoulder Rest.png
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And while we’re on the subject, here is a similar, more modern version of the telephone shoulder rest. (available at Amazon)


Putting this here for James to add to his spank bank: (also, EWW.)

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Brooke Shields

Her famous Calvin Klein commercials from the late 1970s/early 1980s. And we wonder why The Facts Of Life season 1 was so comfortable sexualizing teenaged girls. Here is FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD Brooke:

Brooke Shields was born on May 31, 1965, so she is 53 years old. She is not “pushing 60” as we speculate in the show. She does still have her “Timeless” clothing line at QVC.

Brooke Shields doesn’t have a furniture LINE at La-Z-Boy, it seems that she started being their spokesperson and appearing in commercials for them in 2010. This seems to have lasted 3 or 4 years?


As James pointed out, the weird missing “N” on the Monopoly Box… huh?

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Here is a highly informative (and highly unexciting) video about Comprehensive Dilated Eye Exams, and why we should all be getting them.

I researched the “Drunk Song” and found this on Wikipedia: While often referred to as “How Dry I Am,” those are actually lyrics to the song “The Near Future” by Irving Berlin. It seems to be from the turn-of-the-century, with some information saying it pre-dates Prohibition. (Though the lyrics one finds on the internet don’t necessarily support this.) I couldn’t find anything definitive, nor could I find a recording or video of the original song. At this point, I had spent more than 5 minutes on it and I’m officially over it. Please feel free to email me with any information you may have. And, come on, let’s face it, Warner Brothers’ cartoons is the place where just about all of us learned it:

James mentioned handcuffs… referring to the time Ace Victory was arrested by Officer Friskem. (That will teach him not to go into the 10-item-line with 11 items.)

Ace Friskem 2018-12-22 01.jpg

Family Guy weighs in on the Andrea Age Gap on “Beverly Hills, 90210:” They are referring to the fact that actress Gabrielle Carteris was 29 years old playing a high school student when the show premiered in 1990.

Suzy Chaffee “Suzy Chapstick” commerical. (David would like to start a rumor that the two little boys in this commercial are actually him and James.)

Videos of James Bondy!

VERY young James on Deke Wilson’s Mini Mysteries… appearing around 14 minutes in. His character is faking that he is Mexican.

And, of course, his Wikipedia page. Which, again, he has no idea who created it… and it is eerily accurate.