Me and Angie at a place where we work!
Extras Available Exclusively At!
FOLLOW UP: I speculated that Tony Orlando was Italian… he was, in fact, born Michael Anthony Orlando Cassavitis on April 3, 1944, the son of a Greek father and a Puerto Rican mother. So, not Italian, but still a hairy guy. LOL
in his heyday in the 1970s
on the “Tony Orlando And Dawn” variety show
more recently
What do we think? If Blair’s older-than-I’m-comfortable-with escort at the Eastland Mixer isn’t Tony Orlando…
…could it be Ron Jeremy?
I realized I was confused over the abbreviations of various theatre education programs, so for my own clarification, and maybe some others:
Angie attended AADA, the American Academy of Dramatic Arts…
Not to be confused with AMDA, which is The American Musical and Dramatic Academy.
The more you know … *star whoosh*
While I was researching and hunting down Angie’s favorite Chef Boyardee commercials, I was reminded that there WAS a slogan/jingle in the 1980s: “Thank Goodness For Chef Boyardee.”
This is the specific commercial Angie was remembering with the actor’s face dissolving to the image on the label:
And here is how you can feed a family of 4 for three bucks:
Holly Gagnier!
as “Home Run” Helen on The Facts Of Life (1981)…
…and as bitchy Natalie in “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” (1985). Thanks to my friend Todd-Michael, who alerted me of this fact. And who then ended our friendship when I said I had actually never seen this film.
Miss Angie / Miss Vanjie
If you don’t understand why I kept saying “Miss Angie…” it is a reference to Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, who was eliminated on the first episode of Season 10 of RuPaul’s Drag Race in March of 2018. Her exit went viral on the Internet as she oddly called out her own name while making her exit. I like this version of the clip which includes Michelle Visage trying to crack up RuPaul, and RuPaul telling her to stop because he was about to pop his facelift tapes off. LOL