038 - S3E9 "Dear Me" with Lisa Wolfe-Penkal


One of our Holiday Baking Parties (enjoying the “fire” with friends, including Jodi Chase and Heather Delmotte)


Audio Extras Available Exclusively at FaceTheFactsPod.com!

Commercials We Discussed!

Todd Hollowell

Sometimes credited as Todd Hallowell, his IMDb page shows he has no credits after his FOL appearances. (And apparently there are two spellings of his name out there.) And basic Google searches are coming up with nothing. Many fan sites also have “Does anybody know what happened to him?” (The fact that they mention Jeff passed away in the 2001 Reunion Movie makes me worry that something may have happened to Todd… I certainly hope not!)

Todd H Zach.png
Todd H Jeff What Price Glory.png
Todd H Jeff Present Imperfect.png