111. S6 E03 "Love At First Byte" with Andrea Canny

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Andrea’s Podcast THE RISE!

Meet Our Dream Computer Dates!

Joseph Brutsman as “Doug,” Christopher Durham as “Rex,” and Leif Green as “Chip”

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Leif Green as Davey in “Grease 2”


Chris Durham as the 1980s Man Of My Dreams

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This is before our time… but I had to share. A 1960s Pillsbury commercial with future-Marcia-Brady Maureen McCormick! (& How weird is it to see a commercial that is a FULL MINUTE LONG!?)

This features our friend Louie Gravance (hopefully a future podcast guest!):

And here is Louie’s husband John Graham:

Starburst - BEFORE the re-recorded the song to include cherry…

…and after.

Gus-Gus a/k/a The Mayor Of Plant Street!

Click the pic to find & follow him on Instagram: