Transcript of the episode: Subtitles Like Scripts
^ Does this look like a movie about a football coach!?! ^
My First VCR!
Steve’s First VCR!
With a wood grain panel like a station wagon! And it weighs only slightly more!
Our Drive-In Theatres!
The Sky-View Drive-In in Brockton, Massachusetts
The back of the screen which could be seen peeking over the trees in the distance.
It was there as recently as 2003!
But gone in 2004.
The Sky-Lark, Steve’s Drive-In in Keokuk, Iowa.
[ Extras ] I Know Who Killed Me!
You can watch this horrible movie for free at SonyCrackle.
My movie going companions … Deena Benna, Steven Germann, Steve Miller, Kevin Kriegel (former podguest). Front Row: 2-time podguest Mark Baratelli and easy-to-scare Tait Moline.
3 weeks later, Kevin made me THIS for my birthday. See the movie and appreciate how AMAZING this is. LOL