138. S7 E03 "Grand Opening"

IG pic S7 E03 copy.jpg

Transcript of Facts Of Life S7 E03 “Grand Opening” at Subtitles Like Scripts

Weird Color Balance Thing?

As discussed, here are screen grabs of the odd visual shift that occurs at 19:50. Notice that the picture quality suddenly goes from cool & dull to saturated & bright. Looking at the positioning of the hair & clothing, to me they appear same enough that it’s not an edit between the rehearsal taping and the broadcast taping… WHAT HAPPENED!? These pictures may be a little more exaggerated than the images you see on DailyMotion - I have a weird digital collection converted from recordings on Canadian TV. But it is still definitely there. And noticeable on the DVD. We have NEVER seen anything technically weird like this on the show before… WTF?!

[ Before ]

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Screen Shot 2021-06-03 at 10.08.43 AM.png

[ After ]

Screen Shot 2021-06-03 at 10.08.48 AM.png
Screen Shot 2021-06-03 at 10.08.52 AM.png

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Next Week: S7 E04 “Teacher Teacher” (10/5/85)