178. S8 E14 "Post-Christmas Card"

Transcript of the episode at Subtitles Like Scripts

A Special Guest!

Technically, this week’s show was a conversation with Matthew’s alter ego, diva extraordinaire, Carol Lee!

And just for no reason at all, I recently discovered this lovely pic of our dearly defuncted “Friends” at Walt Disney World’s Citizens of Hollywood: Film Critic and Man-About-Town Wink Wright, and Hollywood Police Officer Pat Friskem.

Crazy Eddie Commercials!

(I mean, he’s no Looney Lou…)

Forgot To Mention!

When Andy sits down to watch TV, we see for the first time a REVERSE SHOT of the WALL where normally the audience is located. VERY STRANGE! But the wallpaper does match, and there is a TV, and a … chair…? Well, OK I guess.

Next Week: S8 E15 “A Star Is Torn” (1/31/87)

(a/k/a The Return Of Cinnamon… And The Departure Of George Clooney — snif!)